In parshas Naso Hashem tells Moshe how the Cohanim are to bless the children of
יְבָרֶכְךָ ה'
May the Hashem bless you
and protect you
יָאֵר ה' | פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ
May Hashem shine His face on you
and favor you
יִשָּׂא ה' | פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ
May the Hashem direct His countenance toward you
וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם:
and grant you peace
The commentaries delve into the
meaning of this blessing. Rashi sees a blessing as bestowment of physical
possessions and that these possessions should not be damaged or lost. He also
sees in this blessing, favor and suppression of anger.
The Ibn Ezra sees a blessing of
long life and wealth. Protection refers to salvation in time of need. A shining
face is like a king who desires the company of another and receives them
warmly. Peace he describes as freedom from evil, shock, poverty, and enemies.
The Sforno also sees a blessing
as wealth and possessions and quotes Ethics of our Fathers (3:17) that if there
is no flour there will be no Torah. The protection is from thieves. After the
blessing comes illumination. He explains "shine" as perception of the
face of G-d and being able gaze on the wonders of the Torah and the deeds of
heaven. He sees providence as everlasting life and cites Gemara Brachos that
the righteous will sit and delight from the radiance of the divine presence.
Peace is a perfect, permanent rest with no aspect of punishment.
The Cli Yakar sees an ascension
theme in this bracha. He notes in the Song of Songs that the children of Israel are
called a daughter, sister, and mother. The aspect of the daughter is gifts and
protection from heaven such as a healthy strong body, intellectual acumen, and
protection from aggravation. A sister is compared to the moon that reflects the
light of the sun. So to say G-d's favor is bestowed upon one that reflects the
light of the Torah. The aspect of a mother lends itself to the idea of the
righteous, specifically that G-d fulfills the decrees of a tsadik.
The Or Hachaim sees this blessing
as a blessing which has no bad in it. Hashem's shining face means that there
will be no barrier between Israel
and their father in heaven, and that the light of the divine presence will
shine on Israel .
G-d's providence means that even if bad deeds cause a separation G-d will
beckon a return. Peace is unity with Hashem. In addition if a person looks deeply
into the concept of peace he will see that it is the foundation of the world, includes
both which is high and low, and is the vessel that holds all blessings.
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