Shir HaYichud (The Song of Unity - שיר היחוד) is a long poem that deals with perceptions of Hashem. It is customary to chant it responsively after evening services on Yom Kippur. The form is seven sections corresponding to the days of the week, each led by a different person; and rhymed couplets to be said responsively. The themes are descriptions and praises of the holy One, blessed be He.
Concerning the wisdom of the Almighty it says, "Except for his wisdom there is no wisdom", (זוּלַת חָכְמָתְךָ אֵין חָכְמָה). What this means is all true knowledge is knowledge of G-d and if it does not reveal something about G-d it really is not wisdom. This can be subtle and recondite. For example one can study the sciences and see the wonders of the Creator. As a result it will lead one to a good life. This cannot be compared to one who studies science then denies the wonders of the creation. The nature of wisdom is to arouse fear of heaven. If a person studies and hides from this, then the knowledge that was acquired will be corrupt. The observable facts are the same, but the one who is brought to belief will have a clear view of reality, while the one that pursues denial will have a distorted view of the world. Not only that in the end, they will not even understand their own area of expertise. This is because the signs of a wise creator exist, but these truths will be rejected in an attempt to cling to atheism.
Concerning understanding, the second half of the verse says, "without his understanding there is no strategy", (בִּלְתִּי בִינָתְךָ אֵין מְזִמָּה). The concept of understanding includes inferences, origins, and implications. Wisdom is having a lot of facts, while understanding means being able to relate to them. Facts tend to be more intellectual, while understanding adds an emotional component especially beauty. Foundations of understanding include a number of things. 1) Scientifically how does the world work? This would be things like life sciences especially the human body, nature of inanimate objects for example physics and chemistry, mathematics and abstract logic. 2) Human nature and psychology. 3) Concepts of good and bad, as well as a sense of purpose, particularly as described in the stories in the Chumash. All of them are important because the hand of G-d is revealed in the physical world, the soul, and the Tanakh.
The point is that there is to see the infinite living intelligence surrounding every endeavor. With this will come models and ideas that a person needs in his everyday life. If one goes with approaches that do not reflect, if it is possible to say, the thinking of the holy One, blessed be He. They will be flawed and fail. If they do reflect the thinking of the Creator, the plans will be sound and successful.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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