The last paragraph of Isaiah 33 deals with life in the Holy land after the redemption and the type of people who will lead it. The character of the people of course will be good and verse15 describes their qualities, as it says, "He who walks in righteousness (הֹלֵךְ צְדָקוֹת) Speaks uprightly (וְדֹבֵר מֵישָׁרִים), Spurns profit from fraudulent dealings (מֹאֵס בְּבֶצַע מַעֲשַׁקּוֹת), Waves away a bribe instead of grasping it (נֹעֵר כַּפָּיו מִתְּמֹךְ בַּשֹּׁחַד), blocks his ears against listening to infamy (אֹטֵם אָזְנוֹ מִשְּׁמֹעַ דָּמִים) and, Shuts his eyes against looking at evil (וְעֹצֵם עֵינָיו מֵרְאוֹת בְּרָע)".
Yoseph's commentary:
הֹלֵךְ צְדָקוֹת -General conduct is to be principled and balanced. וְדֹבֵר מֵישָׁרִים - Speech is honest, truthful, straight and with integrity. מֹאֵס בְּבֶצַע מַעֲשַׁקּוֹת - This is talking about money. The person is not interested in one sided gain. Instead a fair price both from the standpoint of the buyer and seller are what is desired. This means that advantages are not overplayed and there is no gouging or chiseling. נֹעֵר כַּפָּיו מִתְּמֹךְ בַּשֹּׁחַד - This means that a person cannot be bribed in any situation and not with money, sex, or flattery. אֹטֵם אָזְנוֹ מִשְּׁמֹעַ דָּמִים - There is no interest in hearing about the foul deeds or the denigration of others. וְעֹצֵם עֵינָיו מֵרְאוֹת בְּרָע - There is no desire to learning how to do bad things particularly robbing or humiliating.
Immediately following is a list of blessings for the people who accept this exhortation and the promises of future life. Their home will be secure and inaccessible from enemy armies with assured food and drink. Hashem will protect the land of Israel like a mighty river that cannot be traversed. The many luxurious homes will be viewed with aqe. There will be no foreigners mumbling strange languages. Our judges, legislators, and king will be the vicar of Hashem and be our saviors. There will be so much prosperity that it will flow even to the weakest. Nobody will say, It's disgusting, how these criminals are getting away with it". When the righteous view the land they will see the beauty of the holy One, blessed be He.
Various parts of the Chumash have these themes and they are also the body of Psalms 15 and 24. There are inconsequential differences as a result they will appeal to different types of people. What we see is the maturity of man and the type of world he will live in some day through the prisms of Isaiah the prophet, King David, and Moshe Rabenu.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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