The book of Esther in many ways is very modern. Its setting is the Jews in the diaspora and the enemy is anti Semitism basically as it is known today. There is also an undertone of assimilation. Haman, the villain of the story, is identified as an “Agagite” meaning he was of the people of Agag, the king of the nation of Amalek.
Amalek attacked Israel shortly after the exodus from Egypt and are reckoned as the first nation to make war on Israel. It is also prophesied that in the war before the final redemption they will be the last of the belligerents. There was a mitzvah that, when Israel first anointed a king, a major order of business would be for him to totally kill off Amalek. King Saul defeated Amalek but refused to wipe them out. Because of this he was afflicted with horrible thoughts then died in a very painful and humiliating way. Rashi explains that, “The Holy One, blessed be He, swears that His Name will not be perfect nor His throne perfect until the name of Amalek be entirely blotted out”, (Exodus 17:16).
The Purim joke is there is a mitzvah from the Torah to kill Amalek, but we don't know for sure who Amalek is. In the case of a doubt a Biblical commandment should be carried out. Therefore we should kill everybody. In fact most commentaries say this mitzvah is still in effect but we're strict about murder. Also because the tradition of patriarchal lineage has been lost, even if somebody had documented proof, it would not be accepted.
The theological question, as to why the Torah hates Amalek so much, remains. When Amalek attacked Israel in the desert Chumash states that he, “chanced upon you”, (Deuteronomy 25:18). Chanced (קָרְךָ) is similar to the word cold (קוֹר). There is a hint that it is the nature of Amalek to cool people down when they are enthusiastic about religion. A clue can be found in the verse, “it was reversed (וְנַהֲפוֹךְ) as to who should rule, the Jews or their enemies”, (Esther 9:1). The idea is that there is something in the way the world operates that when Israel is up Amalek is down and vica versa. This is because it is the nature of Amalek to do the opposite of whatever the Jews are doing. This can apply to individuals or the nation as a whole. Therefore, when Israel is bad, Amalek is good.
When HaKadosh Baruch Hu wants a religious precept to be taught or a particular tool to be used, his servant is the nation of Israel. If Israel accepts this and does a proper job everything is fine. However if Israel does neglects or distorts the matter then the task is given to another. For example if Israel does not give the issue sufficient attention or is sloppy about it, then the job or gift goes to a brother like Edom or Ishmael. Israel has a choice in the matter but they don't. They must do the job. Because it is not their job they have problems and tend to complain to the Jews saying you're better at this, you should do it. If the neglect and distortion is worse the spark falls to Yafet and Cham. The result is they have a job that they hate and the Jews start stealing the work of others, causing real anti Semitism. The bottom is when the task is totally rejected or distorted. Then the spark falls to Amalek. If the nation of Israel rejects Torah and mitzvot, all of the Kedusha goes to Amalek, who then tries to kill all the Jews.
When Haman became viceroy of the Persian empire, he quickly had a conflict with Mordechai and decided to kill all the Jews. He said to King Achashverosh, “We have a nation scattered and cut off . . . , there religion is strange and the religion of the king they don't keep therefore it's not worth it for the king to tolerate them”, (Esther 3:8). According to the Gemara Achashverosh replied, “I am afraid of their God, lest He do to me as He did to those who stood against them before me. Haman answered, “They have been asleep to mitzvot”, (Megilla 13b); meaning because they have ceased to do the mitzvot, so there is no reason to be concerned. After that the Jews drew together and prayed to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, Haman and Amalek were defeated, and Mordechai became the viceroy.
Amalek has no life force except the sanctity that was abandoned by the Jews. As a result they view the sanctity as a blessing that they want to keep forever. However they know the Jews can get it back whenever they want. Consequently Amalek wants to kill all of the Jews to stop that from happening. In the end of days the nation of Israel will want to learn Torah and do mitzvahs as a result Amalek will have no life force and be evil and useless. The reason for a war is to permanently make an impression on Israel and imbue them with the feeling that Torah and mitzvot are their pride, joy, and life.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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