Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Proverbs 2 - Like a Hidden Treasure

The second chapter of Proverbs continues its exhortation to pursue wisdom. It states that one should search for knowledge as if it is money and a hidden treasure. This will bring a person to understand fear of Hashem and to know the Powers that Be.

The intellect is seen as a vehicle. The secondary objective is to understand why there should be concern about Biblical laws and values. The basic idea is that their violation or abandonment is likely to result in genuine suffering. The primary objective of development of the mind is to know the Holy One blessed be He. If it is possible to say, Hashem wants friends that know Him well. The greater the acquisition of  knowledge in general, the greater is the acquisition of knowledge of Hashem in particular.

The paradigm seems to be that God bestows wisdom on good people, and wisdom also makes good people better. For example they will relate to all aspects of good, such as honesty, integrity, fairness, and loyalty. One of the points of the first chapter of Mishle is that knowledge inclines a person to good and that evil is often a motivation for ignorance. There is an emotional and esthetic dimension as well. As knowledge is gained and appreciated one finds it increasingly sweet and beautiful.

The chapter then segues into a discussion of evil. It states that if wisdom is in the heart, it will rescue one from the allure of evil and its pleasures. Its paths are dark ways of rebelliousness, perversion, and being underhanded. Evil itself is likened to a alien and strange woman. Its modus operandi is to abandon a person's natural childhood faith than forget religion altogether. It inclines a person to death meaning that its thoughts, deeds, and actions impair physical and mental health, cause premature aging, and early death.

Escape from evil can be very difficult. This is because its pleasures are real even though they are detrimental. Plus one acquires bad habits and attitudes. In addition it may cause a person to live in a bad area and have a bad job. All of these may be impossible to change. On top of that acquisition of good qualities may take substantial time and effort, which may not be later available. In the end the straight and honest will dwell in the land, and wicked and treacherous will be cut off and rooted out of the world.

לע"נ  האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני  וגם באתר

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