Wednesday, January 10, 2018

VaEra - AvKind and Just G-d

Around parshas VaEra Moshe approaches Pharaoh and requests that that he allow the children of Israel to leave Egypt to have a festival to Hashem in the desert. Pharaoh scornfully responds that he doesn't know Hashem, he is not releasing Israel, and makes their life worse. Moshe becomes upset and asks Hakadosh Baruch Hu, why is He being bad to Israel.

Rashi focuses in on the idea of G-d being bad to Israel. He says that Moshe considered G-d’s character (הרהרת על מדותי). The question being raised is does Hashem at times desire and take pleasure in being evil? Specifically is there an aspect of a prankster in G-d that he would send Moshe on a mission, he knew would make things worse? Does G-d get a laugh out of creating expectations for good then dashing them? For the Gemara Sanhedrin 111, the answer is a resounding no and the mere suspicion of something like that is considered offensive.

In any case the holy One, blessed be He, responds that He is well aware of the persecution of the Jews, He is taking them from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Holy land, and that Pharaoh and Egypt will be justly punished for their evil. An explanation of the difficulties of Israel is that Hashem is making it a strong impression about how evil Pharaoh and Egypt can be and how much better is the kingdom of Torah in the land of Israel.

The most important knowledge a person can have is knowledge of Hashem and how He runs the world. Much of the religious literature is about this, extending from the story of the creation of the world in the Chumash until inspirational works written today. This knowledge should bring us to love of G-d and his world; be reflected in our thoughts, words, and deeds; and our understanding of Jewish law.

לע"נ  הסבא אהרן בן יוסף ז"ל נלב"ע כז טבת תשכו
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני  וגם באתר

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