Wednesday, January 24, 2018

BeShalach - Courage and Commitment

After the Ten Plagues the children of Israel leave Egypt. The Chumash remarks that G-d did not let them take the short route to the land of Israel lest they change their mind when they see war and return to Egypt. Rashi like most commentaries says this refers to the wars like the ones against Amalek and the Canaanites. The Ramban (Nachmanides) adds the Plishtim and the two Amorite kings, Sichon and Og.

The commentaries create difficulties because the entire Sinai and all parts of the land of Israel are not very far from Egypt. The Plistim were in the south west of the Holy Land and the closest to Egypt. An estimate of about twenty days travel from Egypt to Gaza is given. Approaching Canaan from the east, the kingdoms of Sichon and Og, adds a small amount of distance, but not much. The whole of the Sinai peninsula including Rephidim, where the battle with Amalek took place, also is not greatly far from Egypt. In addition even if the Israelites took a roundabout route from Egypt to Canaan, to avoid war they could take a short route back. What then is this verse talking about?

Josephus (2.15.3) in an interesting analysis brings four reasons. He interprets that the war to be the attack by Egypt on the Red Sea. Because Israel had traveled a distance from Egyptian civilization over rough terrain, the idea of returning was unpalatable. He notes next that the Plishtim were known enemies and the immediate prospect of war was daunting. More to the point he comments that Moshe desired that they should enter the Holy Land only after a long journey with many afflictions. The final reason is that HaKadosh Baruch Hu desired that the children of Israel bring Him sacrifices at Mount Sinai.

The idea seems to be that from the beginning the acquisition of the land of Israel was going to come through conquest. Some of Canaanites would melt away because of the parting of the Red Sea, but for those that remained, war was unavoidable. For Israel prevail time and adversity as well as knowledge and appreciation of religion were essential. The average Jew would need to be certain that he hey could not live in Egypt or any other place, the Canaanites were that evil, and that the Holy Land belonged to Israel because Hashem gave it to them.

In fact the children of Israel leave Egypt armed and proudly. Nachshon Ben Aminadav boldly jumps into the Red Sea when when the mighty Egyptian army closes in. When the Israelites sin with the golden calf, the tribe of Levi remains faithful to Hashem and rebels against this evil. When the ten cowardly spies reject the Holy Land two of them say that it is a very good land and the nation is well able to prevail in war. Under Joshua they fight a seven year war and win the land of Canaan. What we see is from the start there are a small number of people with intelligence and courage but it gradually spreads to the entire nation.

The point is that in a world of darkness Israel is the cutting edge of light. The motivation to spread the light is at times because there is no choice. Going backwards may not be an option. To go forwards means making war on the forces of darkness who have invaded our home in order to defile it. The war may be fought with the discouragement of our family and friends. Even so the will of the holy One blessed be He is clear and our job is to carry it out with commitment and courage.

לע"נ  הסבא אהרן בן יוסף ז"ל נלב"ע כז טבת תשכו
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני  וגם באתר

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