The haphtarah for parshas
Shoftim is the fourth of the seven readings of consolation. The source is the
book of Isaiah 51:12 – 52:12. The haphtarah has two parts corresponding to the
two chapters extracted from the prophets. It opens with, “It is I who consoles
you; what are you that you fear a mortal man or a human that is like withering
grass?” (Isaiah 51:12). This is the first idea which is consolation of the
fearful. They may be sinners who were scared into repentance or righteous
individuals who have been shaken by the situation.
The situation is that Israel
is in exile and fears the anger of their oppressor who they suspect is
preparing their destruction. This has come after they have drunk heaven’s
poison cup of wrath to its dregs. They have been ravaged by plunder, destruction,
starvation, and the sword; and now are staggering from the pain like a drunk.
They are like a trapped animal whose enemy is taunting them by saying lay on
the ground so we can walk on you.

The fearful are reminded of G-d’s power that can both calm and stir
up the sea and is certainly greater than that of any man. He can shelter a
person and give him the proper words to say. What the holy One blessed be He
wants is to be able to say that Zion is His people. The Radak explains and if
one returns to the Almighty, there will be no reason for fear because just like
He destroyed Sancheriv and his army, He can destroy any man. Not only that but
G-d through the prophet gives an assurance that the prisoner will soon be
released and that he will not die a miserable death nor will he lack bread.
The second part of the haphtarah is consolations in the form of
proclamations and exhortations that are pleasing to the righteous. The central one
is the heralding of peace, good, salvation, and the kingdom of heaven on earth
(see Isaiah 53:7). Calling them Zion and Jerusalem, the righteous and the
faithful are exhorted to assume real power and are assured that they will no
longer need to accept the primitive and the defiled. With this all exiles
including the Ten Tribes will return to the land of Israel.
Instead of being denigrated religion will be respected and all
Israel will be expert in it. They will recognize the holy One, blessed be He,
who the prophet tells us is saying, “Here I am”. Those awaiting the redemption
will see with their own eyes the return of Hashem to Zion. They will burst out
in deep feeling on the ruins of Jerusalem because G-d has redeemed the nation.
He has bared His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations and even the edges of
the earth have seen the salvation of our G-d, (see Isaiah 53:8-10).
לע"נ, הדוד ,שמואל
בן נח ז"ל נלב"ע ט"ו אב תשס"ט,
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