Thursday, August 21, 2014

Re’eh רְאֵה – Comfort and Hope

The haphtarah for parshas Re’eh continues the theme of consoling Israel for the destruction of the Temple. The source is the book of Isaiah 54:11 – 55:5. The people the prophet is addressing are called עֲנִיָּה (ah-niy-ah) which is typically understood as poor or afflicted. They are also storm-tossed and unconsoled. The Metsudas David comments that this is referring to Jerusalem which was like a shaky ship buffeted by storm winds without anybody to comfort her. The Radak sees it as those who were buffeted by the storm winds of the exile. Rashi renders it as one whose heart storms because of many troubles (see Isaiah 57:11).

The focus of this prophesy is righteous believers, who have become a harried wreck, because of the destruction of the Temple and the horrors surrounding it. The basic consolation is that good will generally come out of this disaster. They will personally be greatly remunerated. In addition the evil that they saw was always under the control of the holy One, blessed be He, and a tool in is hand as well. The tone is like that of a reliable employer enumerating the details of a bonus that will be given to employees that have been involved with a very difficult assignment.

The first compensation involves the language of construction, for example cement, foundations, shutters, gates, fences. These will contain or even be composed of precious stones such as sapphires and rubies. The object seems to be both individuals and the nation as a whole. To a certain extent it can be understood as a metaphor and an exaggeration. In any case the message is that life in a tenement will be over and slums in the nation will be gone.

Extending on the idea of a release from poverty food will be free. Wine and milk are mentioned as examples, emphasizing this applies to both staples and luxuries. In addition food will be healthy, tasty, and satisfying.

Spiritual blessings are listed. Decisions made by the servants of Hashem will be on the right foundations. Heaven will demonstrate that their past actions and words indeed were correct.  Aggravation and intimidation will be far away and will evaporate as well. Every weapon raised against the just of Israel will fail and every tongue raised against them will be condemned. Their children will be taught religion and religion will be their teacher and they will learn quietly and orderly.

These are the blessings for the nation of Israel. The blessings promised to King David will be realized. A leader from the house of David will arise who will be an example, spokesman, and commander of many nations. Instead of being persecuted by many nations, Israel will be served by many nations, including nations they never heard of, because of the glory of G-d.

To a certain extent the prophet is telling us what we should hope for and what will eventually be. In the desolation following a catastrophe yearnings for future wealth and glory may seem to be ridiculous. However the same power that brought about the destruction will bring about an even greater construction. In fact the destruction was simply the destruction of the evil so as to make space for the good to grow. The message of the prophet is a message of hope and optimism to counter reaction of despair and depression which would be natural in the aftermath of devastation. 

לע"נ, הדוד ,שמואל בן נח ז"ל נלב"ע ט"ו אב תשס"ט,
Acknowledgements to websites: תורת אמת, וויקיטקסט,,,

וגם בדואר אלקטרוני  ניתן באתר

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