In parshas Toldos Rivka, our
matriarch, conceives after being barren for ten years. Unbeknownst to her she
is carrying twins which are constantly jostling with each other. Therefore the
pregnancy is very unusual and so difficult that she is concerned about a
miscarriage. In addition she wonders why this is happening and goes to seek the
word of Hashem.
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Rembrandt - Ya'akov and Esau |
The Or HaChaim in effect gives
two explanations concerning seeking the word of Hashem. The first is that it
was a prayer requesting mercy that the child should survive. The second was to
seek a reason as to why this was happening. She saw that her conception was a
miracle and reasoned that G-d does not do a miracle for naught.
Concerning seeking the word of
Hashem (Genesis 25:22), the commentaries give various complementary
explanations. The Targum (translation of) Yonason says that she put her
question to the Yeshiva of Rav Shem (the son of Noah). Targum Onkelos says that
she requested an audience with Hashem. Rashi says that she wanted to know what
things would be like in the end. He continues, concerning the reply, (Ibid 23)
that it was given to her by means of an envoy with Divine inspiration.
Rivka receives a reply that two
races are in her stomach and after birth they will separate into two different
nations. They will constantly be competing against each other. In the end the
nation that is numerous will be subservient to the nation that is young. This
contest started at the moment of conception. When she passed a yeshiva, Ya'akov
began kicking to be born (see Rashi Bereshis 25:22), and when she passed the
places to serve the planets and the constellations Esau began kicking to be
born (see Ba'al HaTorim Bereshis 25:22).
Later on when the twins are
mature, Yitzchak, their father intends to give Esav a blessing. Yitzchak is
concerned about dying and wishes to express his will concerning his progeny. He
plans to declare Esau, his first born, and his line to be the leaders of the
nation of priests that is to come. Rivka calmly tells Ya'akov to trick his
blind father into giving him this blessing. Ya'akov objects saying this may not
only fail but result in him becoming cursed as well. Rivka is unfazed and
replies, "Let the curse fall on me", (Genesis 27:13), and tells him
to proceed.
When the trick succeeds Yitzchak
is shaken and Esav, predictably, is upset and bitter. When Esav starts talking
about murdering Ya'akov, Rivka basically shrugs it off. She tells Ya'akov to
flee to Lavan, her brother, in Haran
and advises him that Esav will calm down in a few days and after that he can
come back. She then intimates to Yitzchak that Ya'akov should marry a cousin.
Yitzchak agrees, gives Yitzchak a nice send-off, and gives him the blessing of
Avraham and to his descendents as well. He doesn't give this blessing to Esau;
rather, he gives him a blessing of military might and financial prosperity.
Twenty years later Ya'akov plans
to returns, but, is frightened about meeting Esav. However when they do meet Esav
receives him warmly and even subtly grants Ya'akov that the blessing, birth
right, etc. are all his. The reason is because Esav does not wish to be the
High Priest of Israel. Rather he wants armies and wealth. This is the
fulfillment of the prophesy Rivka received that two nations will separate from
Rivka's travail, search, and the
receiving of the word of G-d made an impression on her. As a result she clearly
understood the situation and how things were going to turn out. This is the
meaning of the verse, "Rivka was the mother of Ya'akov and Esau",
(Bereshis 28:5). She also behaved very differently from others sometimes in the
extreme. This is an aspect of the prophets who are at times described as brazen
and crazy.
From this story we learn
something about what it means to search for Hashem and the results. The search
can start when things go very wrong. The suffering makes a person search with a
full heart. Part of the quest is a search for the reason for a person's
difficulties and how does this fit into G-d's plan. There is something in us
that recognizes the word of G-d. The gleam of light from Above gives a person
understanding, reassurance, and confidence. Dire situations are calmly remedied
with simple solutions. A person sees that, for every struggle there is a
purpose, the mitzvahs are very deep (see Psalm 119:96).
To view on YouTube click:
A discussion of a search for Hashem and the understanding
and confidence it brings
Mizmor L'David Havu LAdonai מזמור לדוד
הבו לה' YouTube Link
Psalm 29 in
Hebrew with English translation
דיון בחיפוש אחר ה' ואת ההבנה וביטחון שהוא מביא
לע"נ שמואל בן יואל לייב ז"ל, אח הסבתא, נלב"ע ר"ח כסלו תשד"מ