Tuesday, September 17, 2013

V'Zos HaBracha - וזאת הברכה - Honesty and Light

V'Zos HaBracha - וזאת הברכה - Honesty and Light

In what are almost his last words Moshe blesses the tribes of Israel. The bracha for the tribe of Levi has a special significance because it is the priestly tribe. It opens with poetic beauty that is never the less cryptic.

  Original          English                            Transliteration
 וּלְלֵוִי אָמַר      To Levi he said
תֻּמֶּיךָ וְאוּרֶיךָ    Your "tumim and urim"     tu-me-chah v'u-re-chah
לְאִישׁ חֲסִידֶךָ    to Your devotee.              L-eesh cha-see-de-chah

The words "tumim and urim" are difficult. Their first mention in the Chumash is in connection with the clothes of the High Priest (see Exodus 25:30). In it they are required to be "given over to" (ונתת) or placed in the breastplate of justice. They are given no physical description in a section which deals extensively with physical descriptions, suggesting that they in fact may not be physical at all.

The word "tumim" (תֻּמִּים) is a form of the word tam (תם) which means integrity and innocence. Ya'akov avinu is described as a tam. Rashi explains this as "his heart and his mouth are the same" meaning he says what he really feels or is that he is honest. The word "urim" (אורים) is a form of the word light (אור). The Gemara uses a variant of it, אורייתא, as an expression of religion. The Gemara (Yoma 73b) also explores, "Why were they called ‘Urim and Thummim’? ‘Urim’ because it made their words enlightening, 'Thummim’ because it perfected their words". The word "ma-shlee-meen" is also the language of shalom, meaning that it is a path to perfection and peace.

The Sforno explains that the urim and tumim are an expression of speaking with divine inspiration by the head of the tribe of the most devoted which was imbued with the presence of the shechina. The Rabenu Bechai understands the urim and tumim as being clothed in righteousness and quotes Iyov (Job 29:14), "I clothed myself in righteousness and it enveloped me like a robe and like a miter was my justice". So to speak the Chumash is saying that the tribe of Levi is graced by the light of religion and from them we can learn what Hashem really feels.

The blessing then mentions the loyalty to Hashem the Levi'im showed when the rest of the nation of Israel went astray after the golden calf. The praise is that they placed the word of G-d and their attachment to religion above family relationships. Because of this loyalty they were made the priestly tribe. This is more than simply having the High Priest drawn from their ranks; rather it means that all of them became officers in the hierarchy of the faith.

As a reward they were to be the ones to instruct G-d's standards of fairness to the nation. The verse continues that they will, "place incense in His nose and the burnt offering on the altar", (Devarim 33:10). The word nose is a Biblical idiom for anger. However, a pleasant fragrance and a meal with a friend calm anger. So to speak the Levi'im are to be the advocates of the children of Israel when they sin. Part of their approach is by creating a warm atmosphere of friendship towards Heaven. In recompense they are giving a blessing that their work will be favorable before Hashem and their enemies will be stifled at their inception.

The Levi'im are the formal aristocracy of the nation of Israel. What this means is that the blessings come to them first. After that they disseminate to all of the people. However Israel itself is considered as a nation of priests. This means that after the light of Above is absorbed by the entire nation it is intimated to all of humanity.

To view on YouTube click:
Discussion of the "Urim and Tumim", how they clothe the tribe of Levi in honesty and light, and how this blessing spreads to Israel and the world
אנו עמך Anu A-meh-chah We are Your People sung at 7:59

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