Friday, April 19, 2013

Stories and Songs of Lag B'Omer

Lag B'Omer falls this year Saturday Night, April 27, and the following Sunday

Why Lag B'Omer is a Festival

It was said that Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of disciples from Gabbatha to Antipatris; and all of them died at the same time because they did not treat each other with respect. The world remained desolate until Rabbi Akiva came to our rabbis in the South and taught the Torah to them. These were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yose, Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Elazar ben Shammua; and it was they who became the foundation for Torah at that time.

It was taught by our sages that the many students died between Passover and Shavuot (Gemara Yebamot 62b, see also Code of Jewish Law chapter 120 paragraph 6). Before the plague these days were considered happy days. After the plague the days of the counting of the Omer were considered days of mourning. According to tradition the plague stopped on the 33rd day of the Omer. Therefore the prior happiness is restored Lag B'Omer and the days that follow it.

There is a legend that during the Roman prohibition on studying Torah, students would hide sacred scrolls in a quiver for arrows and go out into the fields as if they were practicing archery. Once they were safe they would take out the scrolls and study them. For this reason athletics particularly archery became a custom.

In Iselin at Congregation Beth Shalom Lag B'Omer was a picnic day in which there would be light athletic competition. At one picnic I came in third in the potato sack race and won a small prize. At another picnic the neighborhood, not Jewish, children joined the games with one of them coming in first.

Lag B'Omer is also the yarzeit of the Mishnaic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. He was perhaps the greatest student of Rabbi Akiva. He is credited with redacting the classic of Kabala, the Zohar. Because the Zohar is compared to light there is a custom to light bonfires on the evening of Lag B'Omer. This is very popular especially among children and large piles of wood will be assembled.

At Biala in Brachfeld (Modi'in Illit), Israel, the right to ignite the fire is auctioned off with the proceeds going to the synagogue. It often goes for a few hundred shekels say $100. I remember one time it was purchased by a member of the town council. Once the fire is burning bright they will dance either around it or in front of it and sing the traditional songs. Sometimes there is instrumental accompaniment. At the home for new immigrants, Beit Canada, they would follow the common Israeli custom and  bake potatoes and onions in the fire.

Popular Lag B'Omer Songs

  אשריך ישראל- Bar Yochai - anointed and happy 
        You Tube link   

וַאֲמַרְתֶּם כֹּה לֶחָי Yoseph Sings "You will say he lives Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai - V'amartem Ko LeChai Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
        YouTube link

Says Rabbi Akiva: Happy are you Yisrael
         Youtube link

The Legend of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yosi, and Rabbi Shimon were sitting together and Juda Ila'I was next to them. Rabbi Yehuda opened the discussion saying how fine were the works of the Romans that they have made streets, bridges, and public baths. Rabbi Yosi remained silent. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai replied everything they did they did for themselves. The markets were for a prostitutes; the baths for their refreshment; the bridges so they could collect tolls.

Juda Ila'I repeated the conversation and it reached the occupation government. They decreed that since Rabbi Yehuda exalted them, they will exalt him. Rabbi who remained silent was to be banished. Rabbi Shimon who censured would be executed.

Rabbi Shimon fled and hid out in a shul with his son. Every day his wife brought him bread and water. When the decree was made harsher, they feared for her safety and ran away and stayed in a cave. A miracle occurred and a carob tree and a well were created for them. They live on this and spent the time learning Torah.

After twelve years Elijah came and stood at the entrance to the cave and exclaimed, Who will inform the bar Yochai that the emperor is dead and his decree annulled? With that they left the cave.

When they emerged they saw seeing a man plowing and sowing. "They forsake life eternal and engage in life of the moment", the two of them exclaimed. Whatever they cast their eyes upon was immediately burnt up. Thereupon a Heavenly Voice came forth and cried out, "Have you emerged to destroy My world? Return to the cave".
City of Tiberias  טְבֶרְיָה 

After twelve months they said the punishment of the wicked in Gehinom is less than a year. With that a
Heavenly Voice told them to go forth. Wherever Rabbi Eleazar wounded Rabbi Shimon healed. Rabbi Shimon then said to his son that it's enough for the world only the two of us are learning Torah.

Just before Shabbos they saw and old man with two bouquets of flowers. "What are they for?" they asked. The man answered, "to honor the Shabbos."

"Wouldn't one be enough".

"One is for 'Remember' and the other is for 'Keep'" He replied quoting the Chumash.

With that Rabbi Shimon said to his son, "See how
dear mitzvahs are to Israel", and their minds were put at ease.

See  Shabbos Folio 33a to 34a                                                      

Rabbi Akiva the Martyr

Our rabbis taught that once the evil empire made a decree forbidding the Jews to study and practice the Torah. Pappus ben Judah found Rabbi Akiba publicly assembling large number of people and lecturing on the Torah. He said to him, "Akiva, aren't you afraid of the Government?"

He replied, "I will explain it to you with a parable. A fox was once walking alongside of a river, where he saw swarms of fish darting from one place to another. He asked them 'from what are you fleeing?'

They replied, "From the nets cast for us by men".

He said to them, "Why don't you l come up on to the dry land so that you and I can live together in the way that my ancestors lived with your ancestors?"

They replied, "They say you are one the cleverest of animals? However you are art not clever but rather foolish. If we are afraid in the element in which we live, how much more so in  the element in which we would die!"

So it is with us. If such is our condition when we sit and study the Torah, of which it is written, "For this is thy life and the length of thy days", if we go and neglect it how much worse off we shall be!

Not long after afterwards Rabbi Akiba was arrested and thrown in jail, and Pappus  ben Judah was also arrested and imprisoned next to him. Rabbi Akiva asked, " Pappus, what brought you here?"

He replied, "Happy are you, Rabbi Akiba, that you have been arrested for busying yourself
with the Torah! And woe to Pappus who was arrested for busying himself with nonsense.

See Berakoth Folio  61b



Says Rabbi Akiva: Happy are you Yisrael

  אמר רבי עקיבא                   , R. Akivah saith,
אשריכם ישראל,                      Happy are ye, Israel,
לפני מי אתם מטהרין,              before whom are ye cleansed,
ומי מטהר אתכם                  ,  and who purifies you?
אביכם שבשמים                     Our father who is in heaven.
          שנאמר, וזרקתי עליכם   As it is said, 'Then will I sprinkle upon you
                        מים טהורים   clean water
            וטהרתם (יחזקאל לו)   and ye shall be clean (Ezekiel 36);   
              ואומר, מקוה ישראל   and it is also said, 'the mikva of Israel
                       ה', (ירמיה יז)   is Hashem (Jerimiah 17);
  מה מקוה מטהר את הטמאים   just as a bath purifies the unclean,
אף הקדוש ברוך הוא                so does the Holy One, blessed be He
                  מטהר את ישראל  cleanse Israel

משנה יומא ח ט                       Mishna Yoma 8:9

 Youtube link

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