Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tazria-Metzorah: Removing the Evil

The double parsha Tazria-Metzorah deals with the Biblical malady of metzorah commonly called leprosy. It is not a disease in the conventional sense in that it is neither physically disabling nor painful. However it is either ugly or noticeable. The disorder takes the form of a spot which is protruding, ugly, or bright. In acute cases the spot looks as if it is beneath the surface and upon examination it spreads. Typically it has a black hair that has turned white, but there are exceptions. Sometimes it shows up on clothing or buildings.

In a light case the affected party is quarantined. If the situation does not deteriorate only bathing is required to restore ritual purity. In an acute case the leper is ostracized and stigmatized until the sore heals and he undergoes the appropriate purification rituals. There are also times a person has a sore which means nothing in regards to purity.

From the tone of the Chumash metzorah was not a rare condition and people commonly understood it. From the standpoint of today it has been many generations since anybody has seen it and generally people don't relate to it. It can be, also, that we do see it but do not recognize it. In any case the passage can easily be used as an allegory.

The word used for spot in loshon hakodesh is נגע (negah), a form of the word touch. It often refers to a whack or a knock, however, in this case the one afflicted is unbalanced or touched. A description of the condition is found in Psalm 89:31-33. "If his sons forsake My Torah and in My laws they do not walk, if My wishes they profane and do not keep My commandments. I will tend to their transgression with a rod, and their iniquity with stripes (ובנגעים)". The Gemara expounds this verse saying that there is no suffering without iniquity (Shabbos 55a). The idea seems to be that the leper has some bad ideas and has done some bad things therefore he should be shunned and scorned.

In some situations others genuinely may not be aware of the transgressions. In other cases the antics may be amusing causing a rasha to be lionized and imitated by others. The negah is a tipoff from heaven that this person has gone outside that which is acceptable. An illustrative story is found in Gemara Pesachim 3b. "There were three cohanim [discussing their priestly gifts]. One said I received something the like a bean, one said I received something like an olive, one said I received something the like a lizard tail. The checked him out and found a blemish in his lineage".

The parsha also will talk about curing the leper of his leprosy. What we learn from this, though, is that there are times unusual behavior will arouse suspicions. When this happens an examination by an expert is required. Sometimes something is there but it is not too severe and exposure is sufficient to make the necessary changes. Other times the situation is malignant and stubborn. In that case the violator must be expelled and disgraced.

אזכור הכבוד של תורמים ליד יוסף:     אבי מורי פיליפ שרייבר, יוחנן הולצברג, אברהם שמרלר

לע"נ סבא רב יואל לייב בן אליהו ז"ל, ה סיון תרצ"ט                                               לתרומות והנצחות: 08/9791824

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Recognizing hints from heaven of concealed evil

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