The last ten verses of the third chapter of Proverbs are basically exhortations not to act like a fool and rather to be a wise man. It starts by saying a person should not avoid doing good to those to whom it is due, when he has the power to do it. A characteristic of a wise man is to be accommodating. On the other hand a fool may take twisted pleasure or pride by being difficult especially when it is not necessary to do so. The idea is that a person should like to be helpful. This is the sign of intelligence while being troublesome and mischievous are signs of of stupidity.
These foolish traits are to be found among immature children especially when they think they are being clever. Usually with age and education they change. Unfortunately some grow up and become skillful in vanity and cruelty and take pleasure from them.
The following verses then warn against other bad characteristics. An example is gratuitously sabotaging an unsuspecting neighbor, when on the contrary people should rightly trust each other. Another bad characteristic is to be pointlessly quarrelsome. Also very bad is to envy and emulate a wrongheaded rasha who loves to abuse others
Proverbs then comments that being underhanded is an atrocity in the eyes of Hakadosh Baruch Hu while an honest person receives His guidance. The implication is that the wellsprings of religion are closed to a sneak. Generally being open is associated with wisdom while secrecy is associated with evil. In the end heaven curses, mocks, and disgraces the malevolent. The righteous though receive a beautiful, blessed home; honor and grace.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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