The third chapter of Proverbs exhorts the reader to remember the Torah and to cherish its mitzvahs. Among the benefits are a long, meaningful, peaceful life. In addition truth and kindness will not depart from its adherents. Concerning truth and kindness one is encouraged to tie them around the neck and write them upon the heart. This will cause a person to find grace and be considered wise in the eyes of God and man.
The idea of attaching kindness to the neck is an aspect of the external. The neck is an allusion to the vocal chords and the speech they produce. Hanging something around the neck is an allusion to a necklace and its beauty, as well as to a placard and the message it gives. The idea is that kindness and truth should be ever present in a person’s words and deeds. In addition these characteristics should be beautiful and alluring. The heart is an aspect of the internal. The idea is that the person loves and believes in kindness and truth and is concerned about them.
The goal of the Tanakh is to create a person who is the image of Hashem. Kindness and truth are two major characteristics. After the sin of the golden calf, Moshe is instructed that when requesting forgiveness, he should mention that God has much kindness and truth. King David when seeking the help of heaven in war opens by saying his heart was is in the right place. He then praises Hashem saying, “For greater, above the heavens, is your kindness; and until the sky is your truth”, (Psalm 108:5). The Kabbalists enumerate kindness as the first of the seven sefiros. Truth is paired with beauty and the heart. Kindness means to be giving and tender in word, deed, and attitude. Truth typically means being honest about one’s feelings and with money.
Kindness and truth are foundations of religion, and the Torah is both an expression and teacher of these traits. Truth is about the physical world and living in harmony with it. When understanding mitzvahs and deriving the halacha, the logic and conclusions should be consistent with the way the world is. They should also make life easier because this is the aspect of heaven which is above the earth.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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