In parshas Shelach Moshe rabenu sends out a delegation of the children of Israel to explore the Holy Land. The text of the Chumash is typically clear and focused, but here it tends to be vague and confusing. Things are out of place and suspicions are aroused. Upon reflection it has the tone of deception and a sinister ulterior motive. Initially it sounds as if this is meant to be a clandestine, military, reconnaissance expedition. However it hedges with a hint that the purpose is to establish whether the the land of Canaan is suitable to be the homeland of the nation of Israel. The fact that the people of Israel left Egypt to go there is ignored.
Once the spies reject the land things become more clear. HaKadosh Baruch Hu declares, “How long will this people spurn Me, and how long will they have no faith in Me despite all the signs that I have performed in their midst? (Numbers 14:11). In other words the rejection was rooted in scorn of religion and denial. The overwhelming majority of the nation share this point of view, but there is a segment of Israel which properly accepts the land of Israel. In addition the omniscient eye can see the next generation will not commit the same mistake. Therefore God declares, “According to the number of days, forty days, that you toured the land, a year for each day, you will suffer for your iniquity.Then you shall know what my frustration is. I Hashem have spoken. Thus will I do to that entire wicked mob that has ganged up against Me. In this very wilderness they will die to the last man”, (Bamidbar 14:34-5).
The only incident worth reporting during the forty years is the rebellion of Korach plus a small number of mitzvahs are given. After that with the death of Mariam, the preparations for entering the the land of Canaan resume. It is a new generation, although far from perfect, it wishes to live in the Holy land. They are forced to fight wars against the Canaanites, the two Amorite kings, and the Midianites. They are also treated hostilely by Moav and Edom, who would be expected to be friends and allies. Through all of this they prevail. Their enemies are rashaim and not interested in the glory of heaven. Rather they are a rod in the hand of the Ribono shel Olam to punish the Jews.
The prophet Micha (7:9-13) describes this process of sin followed by partial repentance and forgiveness. The first verse is confession and faith, “I will bear the fury of the Lord,for I have sinned against Him, until He pleads my cause and executes justice for me. He shall take me out into the light; I will see His righteousness”. The next verse is satisfaction with the vengeance of heaven on the enemy, “My enemy shall see, and shame shall cover, her, the one who said to me, ‘Where is the Lord your God?’ My eyes shall look at her now that she has become trodden as the mud in the streets”. The next three verses recognizes that there will be a redemption, but until then there will be sin and suffering. “That day for the mending your walls, it is very far off. That day to you they will come from Ashur and the fortified cities, and from the fortress until the river (Euphrates), and the Sea from the west, and Hor Mountain (burial place of Aharon). But the land will be a desolation for its inhabitants as the fruit of their exploits”.
The children of the desert generation will conquer the Holy Land and future generations will establish the throne of David and build the Temple. Much of this will be lost because of the sins of the nation. There will be a desolation but a remnant will remain. However after many, many years the proper lessons will be learned and this will usher in the days of universal peace.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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