Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You're the One that Makes me Glad

In parshas Korach, Korach and others challenge Aharon to be the high priest. Moshe asks Korach which service is most dear to him and receives the answer that it is the offering of the incense (קטורת). Moshe replies that the next morning Korach and anybody else who wishes to may publicly offer incense. Aharon will do so too and Hashem will choose the one he considers sacred. The contest is held and Hashem reacts with fury. Korach is swallowed up by the earth and descends to gehinom alive. The other 250 people who offered incense with Korach are burnt to death by a fire from Hashem. To dramatize their error their fire pans are pounded into plating for the altar so as to demonstrate the fate of those that quarrel with the choice of Aharon as cohen gadol.

This is not the only time that misuse of of the kotores has yielded disastrous consequences. In parshas Shmini the sons of Aharon, Nadav and Avihu, bring fragrances that are not ordered and are burnt to death. Much later on the Uziahu, a righteous king of Judah, brings an incense offering and is stuck with leprosy for the rest of his life (2 Chronicles 26:16-21). However when a plague breaks out in the wake of Korach's rebellion, Moshe tells Aharon to offer incense. He does so and the plague stops.

Among the difficulties that can be brought is why doesn't Moshe bring the incense himself? Why is it specifically Aharon? In addition why is there such an extreme reaction from Hashem concerning the ketores? The scientists tell us that the parts of the brain governing smell and the emotions are right next to each other. As a result smell can trigger a rapid and strong emotional response. The difficulty is that the Chumash comes to teach us morality not biology. It seems that there is something unique about fragrance that brings to mind the lofty heights that we should be at and the miserable depraved state we are at. So to speak we should be living in a world where waste does not exist. However due to our low state caused by our many sins there are many people who are waste themselves.

The incense is similar to the sacred anointing oil in that fragrance is important. The anointing oil (שמן משחה) is a perfume that is applied to people and articles. Likewise, the incense seems to be a type of perfume but one that is associated with a specific group, the Cohanim or the children of Israel. In addition the temple mount is called Mount Moriya after the perfume moor (מור).

By and large women put on perfume but not men. However, Israel is compared to a woman, who is married to Hashem. So to speak the burning of the incense is similar to a woman, the nation of Israel, putting on perfume for her husband. The Cohen Gadol is the quintessence of this metaphor. In the story of Korach Hashem strikes the nation with a plague when they continue their rebellion after the main instigators have been eliminated. Aharon stops the plague by burning the incense. This is like a father who is angry with his children. However, his wife calms the anger by wearing a pretty dress, putting on her husband's favorite perfume, and giving him a nice piece of cake. This will succeed if it is done by the beloved of the man's soul, but not if it is done by his prime minister. Like a woman is responsible for taking care of a man's house, Aharon is responsible for taking care of the house of Hashem, the Beis Mikdash. The sacrifices are the delicacies of Hashem.

Nadiv and Avihu can be compared to woman with a foul smell in the presence of her husband. Korach can be compared to a plain maidservant who steals the queen's raiment and tries to seduce the king. Aharon can be compared to a queen who calms the king by doing things pleasing in his presence. Ultimately we yearn for a world where true love is restored between a man and his wife and between Hashem and the children of Israel.

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A discussion fragrance and how it can calm or excite the emotions about hope for the future or over despair for the present

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