Monday, December 6, 2021

1 Kings Chapter 3 - A Heart that Hears


The haftorah for Shabbos Hanuka is the famous story of King Solomon judging the dispute between two prostitutes as to which one was the true mother of a baby. The story, though, really starts a little before. It takes place shortly after Solomon became King of Israel. He was still a teenager and perhaps even a bit naive. As an expression of his devotion to G-d and thanksgiving for becoming king, he went to the Tabernacle and brought a thousand burnt offerings. 

That night Hashem appears to Shlomo in a dream and tells him to make a request. Shlomo asks for, “a hearing heart (לֵב שֹׁמֵעַ) to judge Your people, to distinguish between good and bad”, (1 Kings 3:9). HaKadosh Baruch Hu is very pleased with this request and cheerfully gives him a wise and understanding heart that is greater than anything that was seen before and is greater than anything that will be seen at any time. Not only that but He gives him wealth and honor. Shlomo is also promised length of days on the condition that he keeps the Torah.

When King Solomon wakes up he is called upon to decide a case between two harlots. Both of them are mothers of infant children. One is claiming that her neighbor accidentally killed her natural child then surreptitiously exchanged the babies. The neighbor says that it is not true. Distorting the law into a case of disputed property, Shlomo prepares to cut the child in two and give half to each party. At that point one woman says give it to my rival just let it live. The other woman says kill it. The true mother has been revealed to all and Shlomo gives her the child. 

Many things can be learned from this story, among them the king’s role in establishing a just society. First being a proper judge requires the ability to sincerely listen and to have a fine sense of right and wrong. After that the judge must be wise and cunning. Finally justice must include even the most unfortunate in society. 

It comes out that a human basic is a just society and this comes from Torah values. In addition to achieve this goal it must be embraced by the most important people in the land and extend to those in a very unfortunate state. This will give the nation longevity, wealth and honor.

לע"נ  האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח

העלון ניתן לקבל גם באתר

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