Sunday, October 24, 2021

Key Points: וירא VaYera

  1. וירא - Angels herald that a son will be born to Sarah within a year א
  2. לוֹט
    1. Pleading for Sedom
    2. סדום Adventure
    3. Lot's daughters ב
  3. אבימלך, מלך גרר snatches Sarah ב ג
  4. Birth of Yitzchak ג
  5. Expulsion of Ishmael ג
  6. Avimelech at Be'er Sheva
  7. עקידת יצחק
  8. Birth of Rivka

א Astronomy about the stick, line , and shadow

ב Avraham travelled away from Sedom because the action of Lot ended the relationship

ג Joke about Sarah and Avimelech

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