Ode to cannabis written by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who apparently used the herb. Jaobotinsky
was the leader of one of the groups fighting for an independent state of
Israel. His principle student was Menachem Begin who years later became prime minister
of Israel and made peace with Egypt. The poem captures the feelings of a
marijuana high viewed through the prism of Jabotinsky’s idealism and struggle.
Hashish by Ze'ev Jabotinsky
חשיש / זאב ז'בוטינסקי
With the
tribulations of a forlorn delight
חמדה גלמדת
I hover between death to life.
I hover between death to life.
ארחף בין מוות לתחייה.
Copper bowls
נחושת מהדהדת
Flowing from above the sanctuary.
Flowing from above the sanctuary.
זורמים ממרום הכנסיה.
My spirit fades, in the body there is no more strength,
דועך, בגוף שום עוז אין,
My mind sinks, slumbering and not slumbering;
My mind sinks, slumbering and not slumbering;
מוחי שוקע, נים-לא-נים;
And like a verdict
which thunders in the ear
וכגזר-דין ירעם באוזן
Those ringing bells.
אותו צלצול פעמונים.
And without touch
burns a silver fire
ובלי מגע
תשרוף אש-כסף –
And the arms which have no body
And the arms which have no body
של בת-בלי-גוף
And me on a cradle torment
And me on a cradle torment
אותי אל
It draws the dream and arouses the fervor.
It draws the dream and arouses the fervor.
And intoxicating elation
And intoxicating elation
It calls to me "Come" and I rush ...
It calls to me "Come" and I rush ...
יקרא לי "בוא" – ואמהר…
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