Just before he is to meet his
brother Esau, Ya'akov sends his family and everything he owns, across the Yabok River .
He, himself, remains behind alone. It is there that he encounters the Satan,
who wrestles with him all night. When it is clear that Ya'akov will prevail,
the Devil successfully lands a punch to his inner thigh. With dawn approaching
the angel of death asks to be released. Ya'akov then demands that he bless him.
In conceding the angel of Esav says that you have ministered (שר) to G-d (אלוקים)
and man and shown yourself able. Therefore they will call you "He will
minister to the Almighty (ישראל)".
Rembrandt - Jacob wrestling with the Angel |
What follows shortly are three
disasters involving feminine love. Ya'akov's daughter Dina is raped. Reuven,
his oldest son, lies with his concubine, Bilah, and his beloved wife Rachel perishes
in childbirth. Rachel is particularly tragic as Ya'akov worked fourteen years
to acquire her, was only married to her for fourteen years, during which she
was barren for many years. After that she dies young. Ya'akov never has a
chance to introduce her to Yitzchak, his father, and she is not buried in the
family crypt in Machpela
Cave .
To paraphrase the Kli Yakar
concerning the fight the banks of the Yabok, most of the commentaries agree that
this angel was Samael, the ministering angel of Esav. His total attention and
all of his desires are to stun the eyes of man and to strike him with
blindness, specifically to bewilder the eye of intelligence. His objective is
that a person should not be able to perceive the truth and thereby see the face
of Hashem, enter into the council of those that fear Him, and see what is
hidden in the Torah. This is the Satan, he is the angel of death, and he is the
evil inclination. One of his tools is intoxication and all of his schemes are
to daze the perception of man until he can not see the image of the Almighty.
My rabbi Eli Chaim Carlebach
discussed the fight with the devil. He said it was about if Ya'akov really
believed the Torah. Noting the place of the injury, close to the organs or
procreation, he explained that the Satan had a degree of success. The Jewish
people, he continued, are the body of Ya'akov, and for that reason there is
When Rachel is about to die in
childbirth she names the boy "Ben-oni" (בן אוני), literally son of my sorrow. Ya'akov, however, calls him Ben-yamin
(בנימין). The Ramban notes that the word אוני also
means "my potentials". Rashi explains yamin (ימין) as meaning south and sees a reference to Ya'akov's travels in the
land of Canaan . He also sees a similarity to ימים or days,
hinting that this child was the end product of his days. The Ramban understands
ימין as
an expression of the right side or the right hand as in "The right [hand]
of Hashem is exalted", (Psalm 118:16). He continues that Ya'akov saw in
Benjamin his might and success.
It seems that an ordeal involving
lost love is the one most likely to cause a person to forsake the faith. However
if a person focuses on things that will realize his hopes and goals, even if
they are only in their infancy, he will be able to withstand this test. Benyamin
was the only child of Ya'akov born in the land of Israel .
The death of Rachel means that the Jewish people will experience bitter
tragedies through out the ages. The birth of Benjamin portends that the
children of Israel will
possess the land
of Israel in the glory of
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