The Kabalistic texts describe the first act of creation as the holy One, blessed be He, withdrawing from the universe and leaving an area of total darkness. A similar idea is that the first thing that G-d created was a lamp that radiated darkness. They are both ways of dealing with the idea that on the highest level (Adam Kadmon) G-d is omnipresent and everything that exists is an aspect of him. But, on the lowest level, which is this physical universe, the creations have a separate existence including being separate from G-d. However it is beyond the capability of flesh and blood to reconcile this idea with the absolute unity of G-d.
The next thing that Hashem did was shine an ever expanding beam of light into this darkness. This is because G-d likes seeing light illuminating the darkness. However it is not only a physical darkness that engulfs the world but also a spiritual darkness of ignorance, evil, and misery as well. So to speak there is an everlasting war to spread light into the darkness of an infinite universe. The most important part of this war is in the human condition.
The mission of Israel is to spread the light of religion into a pagan ignorant world. All people, though, who willingly and knowingly accept this mission are called servants of G-d. The prophet Isaiah (50:4-9) describes the challenges, talents, and travails of the servants of Hashem. Specifically that they are very perceptive and articulate. They use this talent to encourage those that are weary and crushed to the extent that it is as if they are starting a brand new day.
The text implies that G-d’s servants are very studious and pursue knowledge of His will. This involves tests and an early one is to reject or shirk from precepts that are in fact desirable and attainable. However the person who recognizes them does not want to go in that direction even though he knows he should. One reason is that the idea rubs the person the wrong way even though he knows that it is noble and benevolent. However he works to overcome these feelings and accepts the challenge.
Another reason for this feeling is that the person knows that advocating certain ideas will be very unpopular even though in the end they will be accepted. The concern is justified because the advocates of light will be subjected to intense physical abuse and humiliation. Even so HaKadosh baruch Hu will protect His servants so that they will not feel great pain or shame. On the contrary they will be vindicated and victorious. Their opponents will become like a worn out garment that becomes eaten by the moths.
The basic idea that the prophet is telling the righteous soldiers of every generation is that the battle is not new. It has been going on for thousands of years, therefore they should not feel that they are alone. The pain and aggravation will not bother them all that much. In the end the evil people will suffer a painful, miserable demise and after that will be largely forgotten. However the accomplishment of the holy warrior servants of Hashem will endure and they will receive ample recompense in this world and the world to come.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר http://dyschreiber.blogspot.com
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