Thursday, June 11, 2020

Shir HaYichud - Back and Forth


Shir HaYichud discusses aspects of nature among them light. Hashem is described as being clothed in glory and splendor. The physical metaphor is light and this is extended to the celestial objects. Of importance is the movements of the stars and the constellations. As it says:

עָשִׂיתָ בָּם לְאוֹרִים דְּרָכִים / וְרָצוֹֹא וָשׁוֹב בְּנַחַת מְהַלְּכִים
You have made for them paths of light / 
Back and forth pleasantly they go.

Because of its rotation the stars appear to be orbiting the earth. The moon does orbit the earth. The planets in fact orbit the sun. Like the sun, the moon, planets and constellations of the zodiac rise in the east and set in the west. When the superior planets (Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) are in the middle of their cycles (opposition) or when the moon is full or close to it, they seem to be on their own. However, when a celestial object sets early in the evening it gives the impression that it is approaching the sun. Similarly when it rises shortly before dawn it gives the impression it is leaving the sun. It seems like the stars are going back and forth in regards to the sun. The inferior planets (Venus and Mercury) to the regular observer really do have pronounced back and forth east west movements especially in regards to the horizon.

This phenomenon provides a metaphor called ratso v'shuv (רָצוֹֹא וָשׁוֹב) which literally means running and returning. The idea is that the planets go to the sun, remain with it a bit, then return to us. The sun is a symbol for the holy One, blessed be He, and the stars represent the wise and righteous. However because of their enthusiasm, they don't simply walk (הָלוֹךְ), rather they run (רָצוֹֹא).

Everyone has the ability to learn Torah but some are more talented than others. The people who are very gifted can learn pretty much on their own. They may study a book, meditate on the world, engage in introspection, and talk with friends. From this they will arrive at new concepts and make original insights that most would not be able to do. So to speak they are entering into the Holy of Holies and communing with Hashem. After that they will share these ideas with others generally starting with the people closest to them. This is the idea of a planet being close to the sun and absorbed in its light, or the new moon being dark or small. 

When the moon is farthest from the sun, it is full and bright for everyone to see. It is similar with the stars and planets. This is the idea of the talmid chacham leaving the yeshiva to teach the Jewish people. Just like the stars have an orderly cycle so too was it in the days when the Gemara was being written in Babylon. Every Elul and Adar the rabbis would have a convention. It was called יַרכֵי כַּלָה which sounds like either the month or the moon of the bride. 

There are passages describing teachers of Torah, some inspirational, others somber. The daughters of Zion (בנות ציון) in the Song of Songs are considered the righteous of the nations who are happy when the princess sees the king because they get to see the king with her. On the verse, "Many of the daughters have done valiantly, but you are above them all", (Proverbs 31:29), there is a homily that in every beis midrash there is one outstanding student. However he is successful only because of the other students studying with him and providing him with the resources and environment in which he can thrive. The Midrash on Proverbs brings a quote from Hillel the elder, "at the time they are entering - scatter; and when they are scattering - enter". To paraphrase it basically says that if you see a time when the Torah is dear to Israel, the rabbis should scatter to many places to teach it to them, and everyone will be happy. But when they don't care about Torah and are ignoring it, that's when the wise students should gather together and enter the beis midrash to study for themselves. As it says, "A time to do for Hashem, they have voided Your Torah", (Psalm 119:26).

לע"נ  האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני  וגם באתר

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