Pekudey is the last parsha in the book of Shmos and it ends with the successful completion of the Tabernacle. After the completion the cloud of Hashem covers the pavilion housing the sacred furnishings and His glory fills it. At night the cloud becomes a pillar of fire. When the cloud leaves the Mishkan and moves, the children of Israel follow it to its new location. The last sentence in the book of Exodus is, “For the cloud of the Lord was on the Mishkan by day, and the fire would be by night, visible to the entire house of Israel in all their journeys”, (Exodus 40:38).
The cloud was so thick thick that Moshe could not enter the sanctuary. It was like the cloud of the holy One, blessed be He covering Mount Sinai, when the Ten Commandments were given; and the cloud that covered the First Temple when it was completed by King Solomon. Moshe rabenu entered the cloud on Mount Sinai to learn torah from Hashem. Later the cloud in the mishkan settled above the sculptured angels. It was from behind this cloud that Hashem taught Torah to Moshe. Likewise in Solomon's Temple the cloud was not always very strong, and when it dissipated, the cohanim could enter the sanctuary for their sacred service. In all of these events it showed that HaKadosh Baruch Hu was very happy with the nation of Israel.
The Ramban explains that the sanctuary was deeply concealed within the cloud which covered it from every side. The glory of G-d also filled the Tabernacle because it resided within the cloud. This was like Moshe at Mount Sinai going into the mist because G-d was there (see Exodus 40:34).
When Israel left Egypt, it was something like Jacob, our patriarch, running away from the Esau. When Yaakov slept on the Temple Mount, he dreamed about a ladder stretching from earth to heaven. This is like the Temple because it is a bridge between heaven and earth. In the dream the angel of Hashem said He was with Yaakov, would protect him, and bring him back to the Holy Land. This is like the pillar of fire and cloud that protected Israel in the wilderness and led them to the land of Canaan.
The Temple was important to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and it was a fitting place for him to manifest His presence. Even so the righteous and the wise are more important to him and a greater vehicle for his presence. Just like the Mishkan had the leadership, protection, and blessing of heaven, so to do the righteous. They need it because their task is very great. They must learn many difficult things and teach them to many difficult students. Also like there was a cloud that hid the Mishkan, there is a lot of fog and noise that clouds a person's view of religion and the world. However from time to time one can hear the voice above the angels and be graced with the light, beauty, and insights from above.
לע"נ האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח
העלון ניתן לקבל בדואר אלקטרוני וגם באתר
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