When he is in absolute control,
Yosef moves the Egyptians from their ancestral plots. When farming in their new
locations Yosef requires that they give one fifth of their harvest to Pharaoh.
However, the priests are exempt from these decrees. The fields of their fathers
remain with them. They are exempt from taxes and they receive an allotment from
Pharaoh. The Egyptians whole heartedly accept these decrees and express
gratitude to Yosef because he saved their lives during the famine.
The HaEmek Davar explains that
the whole point of these episodes were to be lessons that the Supernal
Providence was teaching to Israel
in the land of Egypt . As great a tsadik and wise man as
Yosef is, his highest virtue is he was a medium for Hashem. The first lesson is
that money and possessions are not life. Even if a person loses everything his
life still has value. In addition no matter how much stock and inventory a
person owns it is useless if there is nobody to buy it. On top of this a person
must know it and verbally acknowledge it.
Other lessons are that no matter
how long we have been in a specific place we are still sojourners in this
world. In addition our true mission in this world is to be servants of the Most
High. Part of this obligation is to use a portion of our resources for
religious purposes. This would include education particularly about values,
religious celebrations and observances, charity to the poor and the religious
establishment. Priests should be exempt from these taxes because they are
devoting their entire life to the faith and their income comes from the
sacrifices that others bring to come close to G-d. The message for Yosef is
that he is to be separate and elite and Hashem's special lot among the Jewish
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In parshas VaYigash we learn the lessons of the famine in Egypt .
Among them are our money and possessions are not our life and we must
acknowledge this publicly from time to time. Our stay in this world is
temporary and during our sojourn here we should be servants of the truth. In
addition some of our resources should be dedicated towards religion and
charitable purposes.
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