Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Psalm 147 - Cheering Up the Humble


It says in Psalm 147 that the holy One, blessed be He, cheers up the humble (see verse 6) and this seems to be its theme. The psalm then goes on to mention things that a humble person would find particularly pleasing even though most good people would find many of the ideas pleasing as well. In the introduction it says that G-d heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. The idea is that often people are insulted and hurt as a consequence of being polite and deferential. Also that religion and the experience of the living G-d provides comfort. 

In verse 4 the Psalm says that G-d fixes the number of stars and calls them by name. The humble ideas in this are the vastness of the universe and that even so G-d knows every part of it. One looking at the stars can feel like a grain of sand nevertheless he is still known to the Creator. Verse seven exhorts one to respond to G-d with thanksgiving and this should even be expressed in song. Humble people recognize the gifts that they have received and acknowledge them warmly. Also not only does G-d provide for man but for plants and animals as well. The best way to give thanks to G-d is not with big feats of strength but rather it is to show Him proper respect and deference. 

The residents of Jerusalem should give G-d great thanks for giving them a secure city, peace, and prosperity. Another gift from G-d is intellectual insights which can be penetrating and powerful. Israel is the first people to receive religious insights as such it is their duty to share them with the other nations.  

לע"נ  האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח

העלון ניתן לקבל גם באתר

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