Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona Virus

Dear Rachel,

Thanks for the email. It was great seeing you and the family. Hopefully the maps on the thank you card will be put to good use next year.

In terms of the Corona flu it looks like the craziness here is a variant of the craziness in the USA. Like many I think of America and Israel as Jacob and Esau, basically brothers. There's a lot of craziness here in general and this thing has brought a lot of it to the surface. They've given the spies the right to spy on everybody's cellphone and the cops have started busting folks for better or for worse. Basically I'm clean and I mainly stay in my apartment so the restrictions have not made a big difference. I did notice my garbage was a bit grungy so I tossed it even though there was more room in the bag. There's plenty of unsanitary customs around here particularly with [CENSORED] so I don't mind them taking some heat. 

This outbreak has given me food for thought. In the past I simply listened to my doctor, which meant getting a flu vaccine. My thoughts about this are sketchy but developing. The Corona virus is stronger and more contagious then the typical flu, plus it has no vaccine. Consequently more concern is appropriate. Hysteria, though, is never appropriate. This outbreak has caused problems with leadership and the health care system to appear. 

It seems to me that there is no material danger for young healthy people. There is a material risk for sickly people, old people, and infants.  The idea that they should only leave their home when clearly necessary, I'd say is sound. People 60 and older along with children 4 and under should avoid crowds. Everyone should be careful about cleanliness. Now is the time to launder bedding and wash clothes in general. People should not eat from the same plate, drink from the same cup, or use public baths, even to fulfill a religious precept. It could be that these practices require reevaluation.

I don't think it's necessary to close schools, businesses, places of entertainment, etc. Let people make their own decisions. I don't see the need for mass surveillance. I don't think the police should get involved except in extreme circumstances, for example a person who has the flu but insists on going out in public. Those confined should be given assistance by family, friends, neighbors, religious and charitable organizations. Government should only be used as a last resort.

In any case I'm in good spirits and good health. I also appreciate the opportunity to give the issue some thought and even put my ideas in writing.

David Yoseph

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