Thursday, October 12, 2023

Day by Day


I’m still safe here in Beit Shemesh. Unfortunately at 1:50 PM there was a missile attack on my town. First I heard the sirens of the early warning system. I then moved to a safer place in my apartment. Next I heard the thuds of explosions. The news said that two people were wounded and a building was set on fire. It was not in my neighborhood.

I live in a basement apartment so it's basically underground. However, it's important to get away from the windows to avoid glass if they are shattered. Should a missile go through the window, God forbid, it would be fatal, unless I was very lucky. In recent years all residential apartments are constructed with a room that has reinforced concrete walls to be used as a bomb shelter and I do have access to them. Their main use is during extended periods of shelling. 

The authorities advise people to remain at home as much as possible, which is what I do. Nevertheless I’ll take a walk for exercise and go shopping. I have face to face conversations with people every day. On Shabbos I visit friends for a festive meal. I have telephone and video conversations regularly with family and friends. On Facebook I often exchange comments with others. It's actually a lot of human contact especially since I tend to be an introvert and somewhat of a recluse.

Wars and terrorist acts have been going on for a while. I’m basically battle hardened. This war has managed to shake me somewhat. I don’t greatly fear for my personal safety and tend to reckon myself as a survivor. Concerning this situation, I have a sense of foreboding that it will be very bloody. This is reinforced by the attitudes of the public and the actions of the politicians. They are basically calling for an invasion of the Gaza strip. My feeling is that such a thing really is inevitable, and the time may very well have arrived. My expectation, though, is that such an action would result in many Israeli casualties. We probably need this, as ugly as it may be.

I don’t think this is just about Gaza. I can easily see this expanding to involve the entire land of Israel. Some of the news sites I follow are saying that World War 3 has already started. They point to the existing war in Ukraine and tensions over Taiwan, Korea, west Africa, etc., etc. etc. Some of the other harbingers are the demonstrations taking place just about everywhere and secessionist sentiments in the United States. Anti Semitism is more intense than I’ve ever seen and it is getting worse. At this point I don’t think it will remain viable for a Jew to live anywhere in the world except Israel, even though the problems here are evident.

Often I’m heartsick about the situation and the only thing I can do is mope. Just the same I remain cheerful and optimistic. I get kind messages of concern, love, and support from people I haven't seen in many years. I tend to look at it like going on a diet. It's painful but in the end the person is healthier, happier, and better looking.

To be more conventional, I just returned from a wedding in my neighborhood. Quite frankly it was bittersweet. It was religious nationalist with many of the friends of the couple, yeshiva students who combine their religious studies with military service. They were spirited with high morale. They are the type of soldiers that win wars. I was accepted with joy and honor. I expressed disappointment that there were so many young people but not a single joint. They offered to provide me with some dope, but didn't deliver. I also flirted with one of the cuties. In Israel you must know how to flirt. She was young, pretty, and charming. Mercifully she did not seduce me. They did have whisky and beer and I’m still enjoying the moment. As the song says, “You're gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road. If you don't Stop and Smell the roses along the way,” (by Mac Davis).

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