Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Psalm 146 - Trust in G-d


In Psalm 146 King David calls upon man to trust in G-d. He starts by saying, “Happy is he whose help is the G-d of Jacob and his expectation is Hashem his G-d”, (Psalm 146:5). Ya’akov had many travails. He had a difficult brother; he had a difficult father in law; he had difficulties with his children. However in the end, things turned out fine for him. This was because he was a righteous man. He is described as being a good student, having integrity, being honest, and not being devious. These are characteristics that would find favor with the G-d of Moshe and the prophets. Because of this Jacob was able to withstand these tests and also to become a wiser and better man. What King David is saying is that the holy One, blessed be He, not only protects people like this but makes them prosper as well. Therefore a person that emulates Ya’akov, our patriarch, will receive similar benevolence from heaven and this is what he should rely on, and not on other things such as wealth, weapons, or powerful friends.

The Psalm then goes into other hard situations that a person should expect to be properly resolved. For example one who is persecuted should expect to eventually see justice and the punishment of the wicked. This includes even for those who are powerless, who are imprisoned, and have been deceived. Also it is not the general way of the world for people to go hungry. The psalm reminds the reader that G-d created the world, runs it, and will rule forever. Therefore it is appropriate to rely on the promises in Scripture, particularly in times of trouble.

לע"נ  האמא מלכה בת חיים ז"ל נלב"ע טז ניסן תשנ"ח

העלון ניתן לקבל גם באתר

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